Adult cockatiels can cost up to $1000 or more.

Gutted Cockatoos generally sell for between $200 and $400, depending on the size and age of the animal. These birds can live up to 30 years in captivity if they are well cared for. Gutted Cockatoos are very popular birds among animal lovers due to their beauty and friendly nature. The price of a Papillon Cockatoo depends on several factors, such as age, size, and breed. In summary, the estimated total annual price of adopting a white cockatoo varies considerably depending on the breeder or retailer you buy it from and the lifestyle you provide for it once it has arrived in your home however, it is generally estimated that the average cost to swim and maintain a pet bird such as the white cockatoo can range from $XNUMX to $XNUMX annually for a middle-aged specimen. Veterinary care: always make sure you have enough funds to cover unforeseen veterinary expenses at the end of the month Recommended standards are at least to set aside about ten percent of the total annual cost for your pet's care (including vaccinations and annual exams suggested by the veterinarian). Toys: Cockatoos need interactive toys designed specifically for them they are available in many retail stores or online for around $10-$20 each (depending on the type). The average cost per month is generally between $20-$30 (depending on the type and quantity). Food: Proper nutrition is essential to keep your pet healthy however, specialized cockatiel foods are relatively expensive compared to other types of common household pets. In addition to the initial price of the pet, there are other costs related to the daily care of the pet that you should consider before buying it. Adult cockatoos command higher prices, with prices averaging between $500-$1000 or more depending on the breeder or retailer where you buy the bird. The average price for a young bird is generally between $50-$150, but prices can vary significantly depending on the breeder or retailer where you buy the bird. The initial expenses for purchasing a white cockatoo include the price of the bird itself, as well as expenses related to its transportation and temporary housing until it reaches its new home. If you are considering adopting a white cockatoo, it is important that you understand the costs associated with keeping it before making your final decision. These birds have unique personalities and can make great pets if given proper care. White Cockatoos are beautiful and popular birds characterized by their brilliant white plumage and vivid wing colors. Prices can range from around $50 for a young cockatoo to over $1000 for an adult bird. The price of a white cockatoo depends on several factors, such as age, size, and breed. 4 How much does a molucca cockatoo cost?.2 How much does a papillera cockatoo cost?.